Drawing Conclusions by Deidre Verne – Guest Post and Review

15 Feb


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FTC Disclosure:  I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Drawing Conclusions
by Deidre Verne

Drawing ConclusionsDrawing Conclusions
(A Sketch in Crime Mystery)

Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: MIDNIGHT INK (February 8, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-0738741314



Cece dumpster dives her way through this suspense-filled murder mystery…

Cece Prentice is a most unusual young woman. Heiress to a large fortune thanks to her doctor father, who is the head of a genome company on Long Island, Cece is also a freegan—ecologically-minded and socially conscious. If that happens to include dumpster diving for half an old hamburger, previously started by someone she has never met, then so be it.

Cece would still be going about her ordinary, albeit weird, life had her beloved twin brother Teddy not been murdered. Drawn into the police investigation, CeCe uses her sketching abilities and knowledge of her father’s company to provide Detective DeRosa with the clues he needs to ferret out what happened to Teddy. But she soon realizes that this mystery is much more complicated than she ever imagined.


About This Author

Deirdre Verne (Scarsdale, NY) is a college professor and an active college blogger. A writer for the millennium crowd, Deirdre’s interest in green living inspired her to create an off-the-grid character who Dumpster dives her way though a suspense-filled mystery series. A member of Sisters in Crime, Deirdre’s short stories appear in all three New York chapter anthologies – Murder New York Style, Murder New York Style: Fresh Slices and Family Matters.


Author Links (web page)



Purchase Links
Amazon  B&N


Tour Participants

February 8 – Cozy Up With Kathy – Interview

February 9 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review, Giveaway

February 10 – Brooke Blogs – Guest Post, Giveaway

February 11 – Omnimystery News – Interview 

February 12 – 3 Partners in Shopping,Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – Guest Post, Giveaway

February 13 – readalot – Review, Giveaway

February 14 – Lori’s Reading Corner – Guest Post 

February 15 – Booklady’s Booknotes – Review, Guest Post

February 16 – A Blue Million Books – Interview, Giveaway

February 17 – Kelly P’s Blog – Guest Post

February 18 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review, Giveaway

February 19 – Chloe Gets A Clue – Interview

February 20 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Review, Giveaway 

February 21 – deal sharing aunt – InterviewD


It is my pleasure to welcome Deidre to the blog today.

Balancing Family and Writing

I have a full-time job, a family and I write mystery novels. In the beginning of my writing career I was able to work out elaborate plots in my head. It seemed like the perfect solution for a working mom with an interest and passion for writing. I could make dinner, change the bedding and drive to work while developing story lines in my head. That worked for a few years until I realized that I would actually have to transfer my comprehensive fantasy world onto paper if I wanted to be a published author. Saying you have a great idea for a book is one thing, but writing it out is, well, nearly impossible if you can’t find the time.

I’ve learned to carry my writer’s notebook with me everywhere I go on the outside chance I’ll be able to write. I’ve got it open now but I have to admit, I’m slightly distracted. Christina Aguilar’s ‘Genie in a Bottle’ is blasting, a neon-light show is flooding the room, and the sole of my shoe is stuck on something questionable.

I’m in a bowling alley, by the way. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. I’ve left work early to entertain and supervise my kids and their friends on a random school holiday. It appears, like a dozen other moms, that I’m not the only one who had this idea. As a result, very few bowlers are over three feet tall, and I haven’t seen a single game score over twenty. The kid in the chair behind me just put his head down for a nap.

It occurred to me that I may be nuts. There is no credible way to balance all of the responsibilities I’ve got going. But wait, I did finish one book, and I’ve got a second manuscript near completion. While I’ve been sitting at lane eighteen, I’ve sketched out ten blog post ideas. The balancing act hasn’t been pretty, but I’ve made progress. And that kid napping behind me? He just woke up…..and vomited!

Can I deal with these distractions? You bet I can. In fact, the writing keeps me focused. It forces me to set goals and be efficient with my time. Turns out, that writing pad was a good investment!

 Thanks Deidre! I, for one am very glad you found a way to balance everything and finish that first book. I’m especially glad to hear that the next book is almost complete. I can’t wait to read it.

My thoughts: I love it when I discover a new series at the beginning. I really enjoyed this book. I have to be honest though, I wasn’t too sure about the fact that CeCe is a dumpster diving freegan. I’ve run across freegans before in other books. Not that I’m germaphobe, but the thought of dumpster diving always just gives me the willies. I don’t know how police investigators manage to do it when they are investigating a case, much less how anyone does it by choice.  I know, I need to be more open minded. One of the things I liked about Drawing Conclusions is that it actually gives the reader more information about the freegan lifestyle. I felt a bit more enlightened after reading the book.

But what I liked most about the book were all the twists and turns. I love a mystery that keeps me on my toes. I also enjoy being able to solve puzzlers myself. It’s especially enjoyable when I can solve a puzzler or two and still be surprised.  Deirdre certainly has a talent for plot twists.

I also really liked CeCe. She seems like a very complex character. I’m intrigued by her talent for capturing faces and her ability to handle discovering her family and life are not what she thought it was.

This is a great new series. I can’t wait for the next installment. If you only add one new series to your reading stack this year, I highly recommend you add this one.

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Posted by on February 15, 2015 in Uncategorized


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